How I Manage to Reduce My Monthly Personal Expenses

In simple ways.

Agent Badet
3 min readMar 23, 2022
Photo by Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash

When you have a limited budget, it is difficult to save. However, the only way is to reduce expenses as much as possible. At first, it can be a bit of a daunting task, but if you want to save, you need to make some lifestyle changes.

Here are some tips to reduce your expenses, which have worked a lot for me:

1. Reduce the use of services

We do not realize it most of the time, but a large part of our money goes on paying for services, but we can save at home.

Reducing electricity and gas consumption, unplugging all appliances that are not being used, turning off the lights when not necessary, changing conventional light bulbs for saving light bulbs, and using low energy consumption appliances.

Optimizing your heating, using thermal blinds at night to keep you warm.

Saving water: When you use the tap, turn off the faucet when you don’t need the water. We often leave the faucet open while we lather or wash our hair, wasting a large amount of water. Take short 5-minute baths.

It seems silly, but these details add considerably to our bills.

2. Change of my means of Transportation.

